The sales data looks more like we’re selling on a new platform rather than a percentage of people moving away from digital. It appears that retail sales did not cannibalize digital sales at all.Into 2016, the platforms now sell about 1:1. In 2015, each month we typically sold twice as much at retail when compared to digital.Toys”R”Us started selling Shovel Knight late in December, and unlike most the other stores, did not have pre-orders available. Also, some stores have an advantage due to time sold. For example, Target sells only Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS versions in stores. Note, not all the stores carry all platforms of the game. So far at retail, we’ve sold more than 200,000 units: Hopefully, it is bringing more kids, families, and an all around wider audience to our game that otherwise wouldn’t have considered it. Although it was a huge pain, at the end of the day, we think our game benefits from being available at retail. We’ve learned a lot of crazy things about retail: how small the margins are, how long and arduous the process is of creating and shipping discs/carts, how difficult and finicky retailers can be to work with, and much, much more. Our big push last year was getting Shovel Knight at retail with the game and the amiibo figure. In an average month, Nintendo 3DS almost sells twice as much as Steam. Steam is our best seller, but it’s also benefited the most from discounted sales.

Although Amazon Fire TV does not have enough sales to appear on the graph, it’s a bit tricky to measure because Shovel Knight was packed in with 50,000 consoles, and those sales are not accounted for in the graph. Keeping our game at full price has been a major part of our strategy as we believe players will be more invested in the game and therefore hopefully, enjoy it more if it isn’t bought at a bargain bin price. Every platform except Sony’s systems have gone on sale during some major holidays, but none of them have ever been sold for more than a 33% discount.
The Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, and Sony PS4 are also naturally higher in sales as they received full retail releases in October 2015.
Our Sony and Microsoft versions did not come out until April 2015, 9 months after our initial release on PC and Nintendo systems. It's not yet clear when either game will launch.Before you save the graph above for your next platform vs platform discussion, there’s a few key items that are worth keeping in mind:

Yacht Club Games also has another game in the works, Cyber Shadow, which is a retro-styled ninja action game. While this will wrap up the Treasure Trove collection, there's already another Shovel Knight game in the works- Shovel Knight Dig, which will see Shovel Knight using his shovel for its intended purpose through underground dungeons. The game also still has a trio of amiibo on the way, based on Plague Knight, Specter Knight, and King Knight, and the game is getting a new physical release that will bundle together all of this content on December 10 as well (although the PS4 physical release has been delayed into 2020). Shovel Knight Showdown will not be available on 3DS or PS Vita, whereas King of Cards will be made available on all systems. Read on to find out where you can play our latest and greatest adventures! /vVgihipbFj - Yacht Club Games November 13, 2019 Let the countdown begin! Shovel Knight Showdown and King of Cards arrive December 10th.